Year 3/4 Homework – 16th September

In English, we have been looking a lot about characters – how people look and their personality, which may or may not be how we think they should be.

Your homework this week is to describe a person you really know. Give the work a title and  underline it with a ruler. In the first paragraph, describe what they look like, include as much detail as you can.

In the second paragraph describe what kind of person they are, their likes, dislikes, how they spend their time and why, what type of  personality and person they are, with examples or funny stories; include as much as you can. You could even do yourself!

Remember to use adverbs and adjectives, see if you can include a simile, as Roald Dahl would.

When you have done your writing, draw a beautiful picture of your character.

This is due on, on or before next Friday, 23rd September.