Hello everyone,
As you all, hopefully, already know I am with the Y2 children every morning from Monday to Thursday. We have a jam-packed schedule with phonics, literacy, maths and guided reading most mornings. The children have settled in well to their new routine and are working very hard.
We have just had our first half termly assessment week and the children have all had a “special” set of maths problems to complete and had their first “Big Write” of the year. I look forward to seeing all of you at either of the parent consultation meetings next week to discuss your child’s progress.
As we approach half term the children are having a Spag focus this week in literacy (spelling, grammar and punctuation) and learning lots of different strategies for addition and subtraction in maths.
Please keep on encouraging them with all their work and, if possible, try to read with them during the week.
Many thanks for your support.
Mrs Denison