To the potting shed…

What a busy first week back we have had!

DSCN6602In literacy Year 1 and Reception have been singing along to the song based on The Gingerbread Man. We have begun to retell the story in our own words. We have also enjoyed ‘hot seating’. Tell your mums and dads what this means!


DSCN6558Mrs Pemberton helped us to bake some gingerbread men.

Can you remember what ingredients we used?

In Maths Year One have been finding halves and quarters of shapes. We then progressed onto finding halves and quarters of amounts. Click here for a game.

Reception have been finding 1 more and 1 less than a given number.

Reception haveΒ  also been busy outside, digging over the soil and sowing some sweet pea seeds. We have been talking about the main parts of a plant and their very special jobs. Click here to see if you can match the labels correctly.