The home baked cakes and savouries completely sold out, as people queued out of the door to indulge in the delicious treats for our good cause. We also had very little pre-loved items left, the remainder of which were donated to a local charity. The children even rallied for extra support, shaking their donation buckets and chanting for Naburn Primary.
We’d like to thank everyone who came along to the sale for their generosity and support. It was lovely to meet so many people who spoke enthusiastically about our small, village school and praised the efforts being made.
We managed to raise a whopping £1,260, which was then very generously added to by one of the governors, giving a grand total of £1,360.
I cannot thank everyone enough for their contribution to this event. From the amazing items that were donated for us to sell, the home baked goods that were made, as well as the groceries and money that was very generously given, everything counted to making this a success. Also, huge thank you’s to those who gave up their day and worked so hard on the stalls and in the cafe, including the children. We really have some budding entrepreneurs.
We might be the smallest school in York but the passion and love our parents and children have for the school make us a strong and determined team. Nothing demonstrates this better than last weekend, as parents, children, teachers and even ex pupil parents came and worked throughout the day to make the event a success.Friends of Naburn CE Primary School
I would like to echo everything that Alexis has written below with one ‘thank you’ addition. Our PTA are just superb and I never cease to be amazed by their commitment and dedication to our lovely school. I am sure you will join me in thanking them for all they did to prepare for St Crux and make it the incredible success that it was. In particular, I would like to thank Rachel and Alexis.
Mr Green