Following a rigorous interviewing process at the very end of last term, I can now announce that our new Year 3/4 teacher is called Mrs Rotchell and our new KS1 teaching assistant is called Mrs Sloan-King. They are both very excited about joining our staff team here at Naburn and are even in school today, alongside our other teachers, preparing for the new term. We will be interviewing for a KS2 Teaching Assistant early in the new term, and in the meantime we will be joined by an experienced teacher who will be working as a teaching assistant to support Miss Brett and Mrs Rotchell.
Further information will be sent out next week in our first newsletter of the new academic year.
I wish you all an enjoyable last week of the holidays and look forward to welcoming the children back into school on Wednesday 5th September and hearing all their news about the summer break.
Mrs Christison