Naburn Primary Open Evening

We are delighted to be able to invite you to another School Open Evening on Thursday 26th September 3.15pm – 5pm.

It will be a chance for you as current parents to see the wonderful improvements we have made in school; a chance to look around the classrooms, talk to the teachers and see some of your child’s work, and also a chance to have a chat with other parents over a cup of tea and a slice of cake!

In addition, we would like to extend the invitation to new and prospective families, particularly those who are looking at places for their child to start school next September.  Please help us  to spread the word and tell anyone and everyone that you know. Huge thanks.

We have a special guest, Luke Charter, Labour MP for Outer York, who will be coming to open our new library and playground. Luke’s vision is aligned with TEAL’s and our own –  we are determined to improve the lives of all people in our community.

We really hope that you are ALL able to call in at some point.  If you are able to bring along friends who may be interested in our wonderful school for their own children too then that is even better, please do bring them, the more the merrier!