Friends of Naburn CE Primary School Minutes
Wednesday 4th November 2015
Naburn School
1. Attendance & Apologies:
Attendance: Debbie Barton, Fleur Targett, Nicola Stephenson Barr, Juliet Pemberton, Louise Earnshaw, Hazel Marjoram, Sarah Edmondson, Rachel Atkinson, Lynn Anderson, Sue Britton, Leah Hitchcock, Claire Horne.
2. Social events:
Sarah Edmondson has arranged a reception night out in January
Lynn Anderson will rally troops for a whole school parents night out on the last night of term – Fri Dec 18th, and a Mums’ night out in Feb/March 2016.
Mrs. S-B is contacting a local secondary school to arrange swimming lessons in school time.
3. Ugly Bug Ball:
A huge thank you to all volunteers and especially Sue Britton for co-ordinating such a successful event. GREAT FUN WAS HAD BY ALL! Sue has kindly agreed to post a review of the night and its profits in the next PTA newsletter, and will also write a short paragraph for the Parish Neswletter thanking all the locals who got involved.
4. Bags 2 School
A Bags 2 School collection has been arranged for Friday 13th November from 8.40am. Fleur Targett, Louise Earnshaw and Leah Hitchcock agreed to help with the sorting and bagging.
5. Christmas cards
Christmas card samples have been sent out with the children and deadline for orders is 13th Novemebr.
6. Movie Night:
Next Movie club will be Star Wars on Friday 27th November:
Rachel A kindly agreed to help set up and Lynn A will help clear away.
7. Naburn Christmas Fayre – Sunday 21st November at 2pm
It was agreed that our (small) stall will have a sweet tombola and reindeer dust for sale.
Mrs. S-B will ask all children to bring some sweets in exchange for dress-down day (Fri 18th Nov?), and Debbie B, Lynn A and Rachel A will pack/ticket them at Lynn’s house on Friday night ready for the stall on Sunday.
There will be another group of packagers rolling out Reindeer dust at Claire’s house from 8.30pm on Monday 9th Nov. Leah and Hazel. All welcome.
8. School recipe Book
Juliet P has collected some recipes and hopes to have enough by Friday. It was decided to go for a cheap and simple spiral bound format, and Juliet will look into the possibility of buying a binder so that we can make a new book every year to raise funds and as memory books for the children especially year 6 leavers.
9. Christmas (Yeah)
The date for the Christams parties is Wednesday 9th December (infants am, Juniors pm)
Class reps will buy a present for each child in their class group at Β£2 per child.
Hazel M will co-ordinate decorating the village hall on Tues Dec. 8th in the afternoon/evening.
Mrs. S-B will let us know more about carols round the tree when funding is decided
Carols at Asda?
Christingle preparation at Sarah Edmonson’s house on evening of Monday 14th December, for which Leah will buy the necessary sweets, sellotape and cocktail sticks.
Christingle making with the children at school on Wednesday 16th Dec. Fleur T. Hazel M and Claire H.
10. Swimming lessons
Mrs. S-B has contacted a local secondary pool to enquire about using their pool. More details to follow.
11. Email/Facebook group
We will set up an email for all committe members and can also use the whole school email to keep all parents up-to-date with what is going on. There will also be a facebook page administrator who is authorised to add members – ? Mrs. S-B/ Fleur T?
It was also decided that if we are vigilant in checking our FoNPS emails we would not need another meeting until after Christmas. Date of next meeting to be arranged for early next term.
12. Future events/ideas
It was agreed that another Ceilidh for the adults would be a higher fundraiser and Lynn will book a date for a Saturday in June .
St. Crux – More to follow
Bunny/ Beetle Drive
Auction of Promises
Pub Quizz/ Cheese and wine
Tough Mudder
Business stock donations
Hoodies / tea towels