Blog Archives
Anti-Bullying Week
Odd Socks Day
Naburn Remembrance Sunday Service
Naburn Remembrance Sunday Service will be held on 10th November at St Matthew’s Church at 10.30am. It will include wreath laying at the village war memorial in the churchyard and observing two minutes silence.
Football Yrs 2–6
For Years 2–6, with Total Sports on the playing field or in the village hall Please note that occasionally clubs may be cancelled or rescheduled, and we will always aim to give as much notice as possible if this happens.
Multi Skills Club
For Years 1-6, with Total Sports on the playground. Please note that occasionally clubs may be cancelled or rescheduled, and we will always aim to give as much notice as possible if this happens.
Young Voices Rehearsal Club
With Mrs Uttley 3.15pm – 4.15pm Please note that occasionally clubs may be cancelled or rescheduled, and we will always aim to give as much notice as possible if this happens.
Seasonal Crafts Club (R/KS1)
For Reception and Key Stage 1, with Mrs Wragg/Mrs O’Leary Please note that occasionally clubs may be cancelled or rescheduled, and we will always aim to give as much notice as possible if this happens.
Chill and Chatter Lunchtime Club
For Years 1 – 6, with Mrs Burton Please note that occasionally clubs may be cancelled or rescheduled, and we will always aim to give as much notice as possible if this happens.
Application Deadline for Reception in September 2025
Click here for more information about applying for a place at Naburn Church of England Primary School.