Blog Archives
Christmas Movie Night
Film night is back, and with a festive twist! Join us on Friday 13th Dec 17:30-19:10 in the school hall to watch Elf. This film is rated PG so please make sure you are happy for your child/ren to watch…
Non Uniform Day
Last Day of York Minster Christmas Tree Festival
The festival is being held at the Minster and runs from the 29th November to 5th January and includes a Naburn Church of England Primary school tree (in the North Quire Aisle) with handmade baubles made by the children. Also…
York Minster Christmas Tree Festival Starts
The festival is being held at the Minster and runs from the 29th November to 5th January and includes a Naburn Church of England Primary school tree (in the North Quire Aisle) with handmade baubles made by the children. Also…
Chocolate Donations Day for the Friends Tombola
On Saturday 7th December, Naburn are holding their Christmas Bazaar. There will be all sorts of fantastic things going on, including a chance to meet the man himself! The Friends of Naburn will have a stall and also be running…