Blog Archives

Friends of Naburn Movie Night

When: 20 October 23 @ 6:00 pm

We’ll be holding the first film night of the year on Friday 20th October. This will be held in the school hall, starting at 18:00. Film choices will go out for the children to vote on, and the chosen film…

All Hallows Eve Party

When: 26 October 23 @ 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm

We’re really excited to announce the return of the All Hallows Eve Party. This will be held at 18:00 – 19:00 on Thursday 26th October, at the village hall. More information is to come, but there will be all sorts…

Quiz Night

When: 14 October 23 @ 7:30 pm

Just a reminder about the upcoming Quiz Night at the Village Hall! It is a week on Saturday, 14th October. Tickets are £10 each and can be bought from the school office. Bring your own drinks or there is a…