Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth.
Genesis 9 v16
Every time we see a rainbow in the sky, we can remember that God loves us and will always look after us
At Naburn, our values of Aspiration, Respect and Community are interwoven into our curriculum and ethos. Learning is designed to enable each child to flourish personally, spiritually and academically. Given these foundations, our children are secure in the knowledge that they are cared for, valued and listened to.
We provide a broad, inclusive curriculum which improves the lives of all children through the provision of enriching opportunities.
Through our bespoke Thrive Curriculum, we nurture a sense of social justice and equality giving children the best foundations in which to grow, thrive and to celebrate their own and others’ uniqueness.
Inspired by the vision and the needs of pupils, the curriculum uses experiences and visits to inspire study across the subjects. Pupils are positive about their learning and speak about how this approach engages their interest in topicsSIAMS Report 2025
Long Term Plans
Our long term planning details the content of the curriculum in each year for every subject.
- EYFS Reception Long Term Plan
- KS1 Long Term Plan
- KS2 Long Term Plan Naburn – Year A
- KS2 Long Term Plan – Year B
Curriculum and Subject Overviews
- Early Years Foundation Stage
- Phonics and Early Reading
- The Naburn Way – our Behaviour Curriculum
- PSHE and RSE
- Computing
More Curriculum Information Coming Soon!
Want to find out more?
For information about how we make our curriculum accessible for those with disabilities or special educational needs, please see our SEND page, and our Equality and Accessibility information which can be found on the Policies and Documents page.
You can read about the Early Years Foundation Stage, the EYFS Statutory Framework, and the National Curriculum for Key Stages 1 and 2, which includes the programmes of study for all subjects, on the GOV.uk website.