
External and Statutory Assessments

Children take external or statutory assessments at several key points in their primary education:

  • The Reception Baseline Assessment is a short, interactive and practical assessment of your child’s early literacy, communication, language and mathematics skills when they begin school.
  • The Phonics Screening Check takes place in KS1. We hope you find this information from the DfE about the Phonics Screening Check helpful.
  • In Y4 children participate in the Multiplication Tables Check.
  • At the end of KS2, children take the KS2 tests – often referred to as ‘SATs’. For more information about these assessments, please see the parent guidance on the DfE website.

We hold parent information meetings about both the MTC and the SATs and share information and presentations from these on the Sycamore Class page. For further information about the Reception Baseline Assessment and the Phonics Check, please see the Acorn Class page.