Our class is Year Two and Three, and our Class Teacher is Mrs Uttley who is supported by the wonderful Mrs Wragg. We work together in Willow Class in the mornings, then in the afternoons the KS1 children join Acorn class, and the KS2 children join Sycamore Class.

Year Two Important Information
Year Two have PE on Wednesday afternoons; please ensure children wear full PE kit and trainers, together with a waterproof top layer.) Long hair to be tied up and earrings removed. Please name all clothing your child wears!
Your child will receive spelling homework each week. This will be handed out on a Friday and will focus on the tricky words taught that week. The children will not be formally tested on these words but we will be looking to see evidence that they are spelling them correctly in their written work.
There are two types of reading books that your child will be bringing home: A reading Practice Book which will be carefully matched to your child’s current reading level (please ensure this comes to school every day) and a Sharing Book from the mobile library which will visit alternate Tuesday afternoons starting 10th September 2024. Books to be returned to school alternate Tuesdays please! Your child’s new Practice book will be sent home every Thursday. If your child is reading it with little help, please don’t worry that it’s too easy – your child needs to develop fluency and confidence when reading.
Year Three Important Information
PE will be on Friday afternoons. This half term we will be developing our football skills and after half term we will be doing basketball. Please ensure children wear full PE kit and trainers each Friday, together with a waterproof top layer.
Reading books and Reading Records are sent home every night and should, please, be brought into school each morning. Y3 should aim to read for 15-20 mins five times per week.

Useful Links
Below are links to some useful websites for the children to access:
- TT Rockstars – Get rocking, and practise those times tables!
- Top Marks – This is a site we have used in the past. The games are differentiated across the year groups and will keep the children engaged in their maths.