Vision, Values, and Aims

Our Christian Vision:

Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth.

Genesis 9 v16

Every time we see a rainbow in the sky, we can remember that God loves us and will always look after us

At Naburn, our vision is rooted in the Bible story of Noah and the Ark and reflects our strong ethos in valuing and respecting everyone as an individual with their own unique qualities. The Ark symbolises our school community: we are all on a journey together. We trust in God to help us reach our full potential through the positive and uplifting symbol of the rainbow that God sent as a covenant to Noah. Alongside respecting the dignity and potential of each individual person and being sensitive to the needs of a diverse society, we strive to enhance and strengthen our values of

Aspiration, Respect, Community.


Our vision helps in guiding us to achieve our aspirations; to have a respect for the value of individuals and make positive contributions to our community and to wider society.

Our Values

Our Key Christian Values are:

  • Aspiration – always try our best
  • Respect – be kind
  • Community – care for and treat other as we would want to be treated

Our Aim

At Naburn CE Primary School we are committed to developing:

  • Successful Learners who have high expectations of life, are self-motivated, inquisitive and creative and open minded.
  • Confident Individuals who are able to show inner strength and self-reliance; equipped with the skills to cope with uncertainty and change in an increasingly diverse world.
  • Responsible Citizens who demonstrate honesty, truth and integrity and show respect and empathy for others and the world around them.

We aim to achieve this through:

  • Happy, motivated, independent learners
  • A stimulating, creative, challenging learning environment
  • Children with a high self-esteem, a positive self-image and a pride in themselves
  • A safe, secure and calm environment in which everyone feels a sense of belonging
  • A caring ethos in which everyone is valued and respected