Year 5&6 News

Year 5/6 Homework

Year 5, you have been given a worksheet on using bar models to solve problems. This is to be completed on the maths paper provided and is due in on Wednesday 7th. Year 6, you need to begin learning your…

Year 5/6 Homework

Research what else was going on in the world at the time the Titanic was built and write a description in your homework books. For example you could find out what was life like for people? What was school like…

Year 5 Homework

You have been given a fact file to complete on a country. This is due on Wednesday 17th May. Reading  Diaries are due in on Monday 15th May.   Fact File Geog

Year 5/6 Homework

Year 5 have been allocated activities on Mathletics to complete. Your logins should be in your Reading Diaries. This is due on Wednesday 10th. Reading Diaries in for Monday.

Year 5/6 Migration workshop

A big thank you to the Global Learning School for their workshop on Migration, the children learnt a lot. It was very inspirational to hear Madhu’s story of her experience coming to the UK. [Show thumbnails]

Year 5/6 Homework

You have been given a piece of text about the Titanic and a set of questions to answer. This is due on Wednesday 3rd May. Reading diaries are due in on Tuesday due to bank holiday. Year 6 to continue…

Year 5/6 Homework

Year 5 have been give their Easter homework which needs to be completed along with a reading diary entry. Year 6 have been given a reasoning style paper to complete on Mathletics. Easter Homework

Year 6 SATS revision materials

I have put all the past homework sheets and maths booster sheets below for you to use as revision. I have also included an overview of different mental 8 topics so that you can create your own mental 8 and…