Last Friday Year 5/6 had a visit from Santander to teach them about what banks do and how to be sensible with money. They learnt a lot and I’m sure it will benefit them now they are older. [Show thumbnails]
Year 5&6 News
Year 3&4 News, Year 5&6 News
Summer Homework for the new Year 5/6
You have been given a sheet that includes 2 times table grids. Make sure you write the time it took you to complete the grid. You should be pushing yourself to get these completed in 5 minutes. If you are…
Year 5&6 News
Year 5/6 Homework 19/07/17
You have been given a script for the Year 5/6 leavers assembly. You have been asked to learn your lines ready for Wednesday. Reading diaries are still in for Monday.
Year 5&6 News
Year 5/6 Homework 10/07/17
In your homework books, write a memory you have of a Year 6 pupil. Don’t say who that pupil is during the memory but write their name at the bottom. Don’t tell anyone else about your memory, as we will…
Year 5&6 News
Year 5/6 Homework 03/07/17
You have been given a planning sheet for some descriptive writing. Answer the questions in your homework book with a line guide. This is due in on Wednesday 12th. Reading diaries are in on Monday 10th. Descriptive Writing Planning…
Year 5&6 News
Year 5/6 Homework 27/06
As we look at profit and loss with our theme park project, here are some questions to answer to practice calculating it. This is due in on Wednesday 5th. Reading diaries are in for Monday. Word Problems on Profit…
General, Reception News, Year 1/2 News, Year 3&4 News, Year 5&6 News
About Our School – a film project
Year 5&6 News
Year 5/6 Homework
You have been given a worksheet on volume that is due in on Wednesday. Reading diaries are due in on Monday. Volume worksheet
Reception News, Year 1/2 News, Year 3&4 News, Year 5&6 News
Languages Day
The whole school enjoyed a day full of activities, from sporting ones like archery and ultimate Frisbee to samba dancing and trying food from around the world. [Show thumbnails]
Year 5&6 News
Year 5/6 Homework
Write a 100 word summary for either Another Country or Broken Toys. This will be due in on Wednesday 14th June. Reading diaries are in for Monday 12th. Broken toys No other country