Year 5&6 News

Well done Year 6!

Just a quick note to say a huge well done to all our Year 6 children for their fantastic results in the end of KS2 assessments, with 100% of the pupils achieving or exceeding the expected standard in all of the tests!  All their hard work over their time here at Naburn has paid off and they should be very pleased with what they have achieved, as they now set off on their journey into secondary education.  We are very proud of each and every one of them!

Year 5/6 Public Speaking

Hello, On Wednesday 27th June there is an annual Public Speaking Competition for all pupils in York schools. There are 5 topics to choose from for the children to talk about: -It is a pity that there is not a…

Year 5/6 Homework

Hello, Next week in class, we will be looking at different styles of poetry, therefore this weeks homework is to bring in a copy of your favourite poem to school. If you would like to have a go at creating…

Year 5/6 Swimming

Hello all, Just a quick note to ask parents to bring in some old clothes for children on Wednesday 20th June as well as their swimming gear. The swimming instructors have suggested shorts and a t-shirt if possible! Thank you…

Year 5/6 Class Assembly

Hello, Thank you to all parents who attended the Year 5/6 assembly yesterday! The children thoroughly enjoyed showcasing all the hard work they have been doing over this term, and were thrilled so many of you came to join in…

Year 5/6 Half Term Homework

Over half term, you have a few fun tasks to complete! Science – Choose a force of your choice (such as gravity, air resistance, drag etc.) and create a poster to teach the rest of the class about it. This…

Year 5/6 homework – 9/2/18

To prepare the children for when they come back after half term, there are a few tasks to complete. 1 – Design and Technology Could you please collect a range of ‘junk modelling’ equipment, ready to create your trains when…

Year 6 SATs Club

Hello Year 6 parents! Just to let you all know that SATs club will start Monday 26th February and will run every Monday up to and including Monday 7th May. In this club we will be having a go at…

Steaming away in Year 5/6…

Hello all, Last Wednesday we took a trip to the National Railway Museum along with 2 other schools as part of our Railway to Greenway project. We took part in 2 workshops, ‘Rocket to Bullet’ and ‘Need for Speed’, as…