Year 5&6 News

Year 5/6 research

Hello, This weeks homework for Year 5/6 is to research their chosen WW2 headings. They will have chosen 7 headings to write a non-chronological report about. Over the weekend they will need to find as much information as possible about…

Year 5/6 Homework

Hello! This weeks homework is spelling based. I am attaching a link to a brilliant website to help children with learning their spellings. If you could please focus on Spelling rules 48-52, there are games to play to aid in…

Year 5/6 Homework

Hello, This week’s homework is maths based! As we are starting our new maths topic of fractions, I am giving you a task to help bring back those fraction memories. Each year group will have a different fraction to explore.…

Half Term Homework

Hello! This week I am sending the children home with some English and topic homework. Their English homework is to write a diary entry from the viewpoint of a British Solider fighting in World War 2. Children can use their…

Year 5/6 Homework

This week for homework I have set a range of Mathletics activities to consolidate the learning we have been doing the past two weeks. For English – please could you find a newspaper article that interests you, and sum up…

Eden Camp Volunteers

Hello! As you are aware, Year 5/6 are going on a trip to Eden Camp on Thursday 17th January. We are looking for a couple of parent helpers to accompany us on this trip. If you are available to help,…

Young Voices Music Room

The Children’s Music Room is now open on the Young Voices website!  You can log in to find lyrics and dance videos as well as Spotify links to help you to learn the words and the moves.  The website can be found at and the children in Year 5/6 will be given a password to log in.


Hello, Just a quick reminder about the Yorkshire Schools Dance Festival taking place on Sunday 18th November 2018. Our rehearsal slot is 8:55 in the morning, therefore please could children arrive no later than 8:35 for a swift start. Children…