Year 5&6 News

Year 5/6 Homework 04/03/16

Look at the front page of a newspaper read by someone at home. Choose a headline that appeals to you! Make up your own story to go under the headline. Ignore the story that is there and write your own.…

Coding in 5/6

Esme and Olivia's design

Esme and Olivia’s design

Year 5 and 6 continued coding today.  Using the power of repetition Esma and Olivia created a fabulous ‘spirograph’ design.  We have also been exploring how to use functions.  A function is a named section of a program that performs a specific task – a type of procedure or routine.  Nina’s design uses a function to draw a square.

Nina's dedsign

Nina’s design

As well as using the built-in functions in Code Studio (such as ‘move’ or ‘turn’) we have started to define our own functions – writing blocks of code that, once we have defined them, we can use over and over again!

If you would like to see the code behind the design, click on the picture and take a peek.





Year 5/6 Homework 26/02/16

Coasts are a great place to find fossils. You have been asked to create a comic strip explaining how fossils are formed. Also create a glossary of any difficult words or terms. This is due in on Wednesday 2nd March.