The Greeks loved building temples to worship their gods. Lots of temples have been destroyed over time but some building still have similar designs. Task 1– on a new piece of paper- Research and design your own Greek temple. Maybe…
Year 5&6 News
Year 5&6 News
Year 5/6 Homework 22/04/16
People say that adverts lie… But how well can they do this? Think of something in your house which is very old and clearly worth NOTHING! It can be an old piece of furniture, a battered toy, a book that…
Year 5&6 News
Year 5/6 Homework 15/04/16
You have been given some mental maths questions to complete that cover all the areas we have done so far. They are similar questions to our mental 8 at the beginning of Maths. Please can you time yourself and make a…
Year 5&6 News
Summer Topic
This term our topic is Ancient Greece. Attached is our newsletter informing you of what we will be getting up to and those key events that will be happening throughout the term. Summer Newsletter
Year 5&6 News
Year 5/6 Class Assembly
Thank you to everyone who came and watched our assembly, I hope you enjoyed it as much as the children did. Have a good Easter! [Show thumbnails]
Year 3&4 News, Year 5&6 News
Music Evening
A big thank you to our performers and guests to our Music Evening last night. There was a lot of talent seen, well done! [Show thumbnails]
Year 5&6 News
Year 5/6 Easter Homework
During Easter, Year 6 are to begin their revision for SATS. For the Year 5’s, I would like you to read a myth and then turn it into a cartoon, for example, Theseus and the Minotaur. Use lots of speech…
Year 3&4 News, Year 5&6 News
Egg decorating competition
This morning the whole school has been decorating their eggs. There has been some great imagination shown by all the children. Here are some pictures of the children at work and their finished pieces. [Show thumbnails]
Year 3&4 News, Year 5&6 News
Sports Relief
The children all dressed up in their sports clothes to raise money for Sports Relief. KS2 ran 8 times around the field that equalled 1 mile! Well done everyone. [Show thumbnails]
Year 5&6 News
Year 5/6 Homework 18/03/16
You have been asked to produce a leaflet advertising Whitby. Think about the places you can stay and what there is to do. Can you advertise some of the things we did during our stay? This is due on Wednesday 23rd March.