Year 5&6 News

Empty Classroom Day

Year 5/6 enjoyed an afternoon outside completing a Maths Treasure Hunt. It covered a wide variety of areas that made the children use their problem solving skills and a bit of orienteering! [Show thumbnails]

Year 5/6 Homework 17/06/16

Following on from our work on Area and Perimeter, you have been asked to complete the worksheet attached. The questions can be completed on the sheet. This is due on Wednesday 22nd June. Area and Perimeter

Countryside Day

KS2 had a great time at the Countryside Day yesterday. The children had the opportunity to participate in a variety of workshops and represented the school beautifully, with many of the workshops commenting on how well behaved the children were. Well done…

Groovy Greeks

Year 5/6 have had a great morning at the Grand Opera House watching Horrible Histories ‘Groovy Greeks’. The children really enjoyed the 3D special effects! [Show thumbnails]  

Greek Temples

The children have done some great work designing and building their temples. Can you guess which God each is dedicated to? [Show thumbnails]

Year 5/6 Homework 10/06/16

We have been given a great opportunity to compete in the Young Writers’ history competition ‘Ancient Adventures’ with the chance of having our work published! You have been given a booklet to complete your saga in and must not go over…

Year 5/6 Homework 20/05/16

You must make sure that your plan is completed properly and address any issues that I have commented on. You have the next 2 weeks to build your Greek temple. Remember to take care when it comes to the decorating…

Pandora’s Box

We have been looking at different Greek myths in class and the children have used lots of skills to create their own Pandora’s Box with all the different evils in the world coming out of it………but there was always ‘Hope’…

Year 5/6 Homework 06/05/16

Over the next 2 weeks you are going to design and plan a Greek temple (with the intention of actually building it). Your plans must be detailed and include the following things- Final design preferably drawn 3D. 2D front, back…