Rowan Class News

Fraction Fun!

This week in Year 1 and 2 we are looking at fractions – focusing on finding 1/2, 1/4, 1/3 and 3/4’s of different amounts. Click on the fraction that says one quarter below to have a go at a fractions game.…

Dinosaur Discovery!



Our new topic is ‘Dinosaurs’! We went to Forest School and found an enormous egg and some very big bones. We have made a nest for the egg and added feathers to keep it warm.We don’t mind if the egg hatches, we just don’t want the dinosaur to be a meat eater!

We’ve even used the bones in our Maths lesson!

The First Children in Space!

We have just finished our topic on Space. The children are waiting for the bus on our theatre trip to see ‘The First Hippo on the Moon’. A fantastic time was had by all! In the final week, the children…

Times Tables practise..

Year 1 and 2 are practising counting in 2’s, 5’s and 10’s this week. Have a go at this game and see how quick you are with your 2 x tables! If you feel ready why not try 5x and 10x tables too.…

Y1/2 Spring Term

We hope you have had a lovely half term holiday and are refreshed ready for our new topic ‘To The Potting Shed’. Through this topic, children will find out how we have so many beautiful plants growing in our local gardens through…

Astronaut Adventures!

We used the MashCam to take our pictures so that we could go on a spacewalk. We wrote in our speech bubbles about the incredible things we could see, and used a microphone to record our voices. What an amazing…