Rowan Class News

Traditional Tales

Reception and Year 1 are enjoying listening to and retelling traditional tales this half term. Last week we looked at ‘The Three Little Pigs’ and this week it is the turn of ‘Little Red Riding Hood’. Click here on the…

Starting Reception in September 2018?

Guide_To_Parents_2018-213x300Applications for a place in Reception starting in September 2018 are now open.

As a voluntary controlled school, our admissions arrangements are set by City of York Council as the admissions authority for our school. Details of the admissions policies that apply can be found on their website. For any queries about the admissions policy or process you can email or call 01904 551554.

For more information, please see our Admission Arrangements.

Please read the Guide for Parents when applying for a school place, as it contains key information on school admissions.

A big welcome…

Wishing the Reception children a happy first week at school! On Tuesday the new children settled in brilliantly. They enjoyed a tour of the school, led by the Year 1’s, and had fun exploring their new classroom. Please check on here…