Rowan Class News

Coding a Dance Party!

Some of the children in Rowan Class were coding a dace party today in their computing lesson!  You can have a go at home if you would like – click the picture to visit the website.

Screenshot from the dance party website showing a range of characters dancing with the text "program your own dance party"


Coding with Year One

Computer Kat was very confused this morning – she wondered if Mrs King and Mrs Wood had got a bit mixed up with their algorithms for getting dressed today!  Maybe they needed some help to debug the algorithm and get dressed properly?

The Year One children explained that, actually, they had just used a different algorithm – with the instructions in a different sequence – because it is World Book Day so that is the reason they had underpants on the outside of their trousers!

We continued our learning with on the laptops.  We needed to build the correct algorithm by choosing the correct commands and snapping them together, in the right order, and then test our code by running it!  As well as some important computing skills, such as using the trackpads and ‘debugging’ their code, the children also showed great focus and concentration as well as plenty of persistence and determination, even if some of the puzzles were quite tricky.  They did a great job, and Computer Kat was very impressed!


Rowan Class are really enjoying finding out about the City of London. In Geography we are learning where London is in relation to other cities and countries as well as  famous landmarks in the city. In History the children are learning about the Great Fire of London. Children: What facts can you remember and share with your family?      

Google Earth!

In Geography Rowan class have enjoyed exploring Google Earth – click on the link here to carry on the fun – can you find your house? Don’t forget to explore the ‘Satellite view’ too!

Rowan update

The Rowan Class have had a brilliant first full week at school. The Reception children are settling in so well. Year 1 and 2 have been producing some lovely writing based on ‘The Little Red Riding Hood.’ In Maths Reception…

Rec/Y1 update…

This week we have been  exploring our new topic ‘In the garden’. Our garden centre role play area has been a big hit with the children! In maths this week reception have been focusing on naming and describing 2D shapes.…

Rec/Y1 update…

Time is flying by as we approach the final week of this half term.  This week we welcomed Violet’s Dad who came to talk to us about his role as a Doctor. The children had fun making ID badges, taking…

Rec/Y1 news

This week year 1 have been doing some brilliant research using non fiction books and the iPads. They worked in pairs to research an animal and will be using the information to create an animal fact file. Reception have been…