As part of our healthy living topic we have been tasting fruit this week! We tried lots of fruits including: Avocado, pineapple, blueberries, bananas, strawberry’s and watermelon. We then tried to guess the fruits by being blindfolded! In Maths we…
Rowan Class News
Year 1/2 News
Punch and Judy Week
Last week we had a great time in Year 1/2, by finishing off our seaside holidays topic with a Punch and Judy week. Our challenge was to find out all about Punch and Judy shows in the past and today,…
Reception News
Healthy Living!
Week 1 of our new topic ‘Fighting Fit’! We have loved exploring our new Doctor’s role play area…lots of patients have needed our care this week! We have been talking about what being healthy means. We have discussed the importance…
Year 1/2 News, Year 3&4 News, Year 5&6 News
Rebecca Newman’s visit
Reception News
Reception News…
This week in Reception we have enjoyed learning about Shape. We have been looking at both 2D and 3D shapes. We created pictures using our new hammer boards. Can you go on a shape hunt this half term? See if…
Reception News
Making the most of the sunshine!
We really enjoyed our PE session on the field this week! We were practising our football, throwing, running and balancing skills! In Maths we have been learning how to count on and count back to find the answer to addition…
Year 1/2 News, Year 3&4 News, Year 5&6 News
Song for ‘Le Tour’ with Rebecca Newman!
On Wednesday 4th June Rebecca Newman, a well known opera singer, is coming to school to help us record the chorus to her song ‘Heroes to the World’. To help us learn the chorus please click on the YouTube link…
Year 1/2 News
Year One/Two Reminder- Purple Mash
Don’t forget there are lots of exciting things to do relating to our seaside holidays topic on Purple Mash. We have been designing and decoration our own deckchairs in school, look out for them appearing on our display boards soon!…
Year 1/2 News
Marvellous maths! Over the past few weeks we have been working very hard in maths to learn all about partitioning and place value. We have been comparing numbers, saying which are greater or smaller, and learning about which part of each…
Reception News
Reception Weekly Update…
We have had another busy week in Reception! All the children have been trying really hard with their writing. They are now able to write in simple sentences. *Challenge* See if you can make up a sentence using the pictures…