Rowan Class News

Infant update…

On Tuesday this week we visited Charlie’s farm. We had a brilliant morning. Take a look at our slideshow of pictures – simply click on the Galleries tab and scroll down to Infants. Tuesday afternoon we also had our class…

Rec/Y1 update…

This week we have been continuing to focus on the Arctic Reception have produced some lovely art work and writing. We have been working really hard on writing simple sentences, remembering our capital letters, spaces and full stops. Year 1 have…

Inuit Art

After a lovely Christmas holiday we were straight back into our normal routine this week. On Tuesday we enjoyed coming to school dressed up as someone from a different country. Take a look at our classroom display to find out…

Infant Nativity

A very big WELL DONE to all of the infants for their fantastic ‘Born in a Barn’ production. You all did so well with your brilliant singing and dancing! You should all be very proud of yourselves.  

Fabulous Fireworks

The children in Year 1 have been learning about Festivals of Light.  Click on the pictures below to see their amazing animations they created using 2Animate!


Elliott Gemma Hugo Jackson Jacob Jessica Luce Micah Thomas William

Week of 1st December

This week in class we will be collecting data and presenting it in tally charts and graphs – we will be using Purple Mash so why not have a go at home and create some of your own! We will…

Rec/Year 1 update…

In Maths this week Year 1’s have been practising counting to 100, from any given number. We have also been saying the number 1 more / 1 less than a given number. Have a go at using the spinners to say…