There will be a meeting for all parents and carers on Wednesday 19th October at 6.30pm in the school hall. The purpose is to summarise the work that has been done by the school since our last meeting in July,…
PTA News
General, PTA News
PTA News – Christmas is coming!
The Friends of Naburn are delighted to be bringing you a delicious range of Ultimate Christmas Puddings. These will be perfect for the big day or as a scrumptious gift. More information on these and how you can pre-order them will come soon.
In the meantime, we’re looking for a festive design for the label and who better to create one than the children themselves. We will be sending everyone home with a template label. If your child would like the chance of having their festive creation adorn our puds then please can they use the template and make sure they are returned to school on Monday. We have a VIP ready and waiting to judge the designs and pick a winner.
Christmas Treat funded by the PTA
We are so excited and very grateful to the PTA for giving the school the funds to book the Riding Lights Theatre Companies Christmas Production of ‘Nearly the Goat’. This will take place at the Village Hall.
Want to get involved?
Please get in touch if you would like to join or help the Friends of Naburn in any way. We’re a small group, with lots of exciting ideas and welcome any support you can give.
General, PTA News
Wow! What a team of tidy-uppers!
You would have seen brilliant Naburn spirit and teamwork at the school last Saturday morning from all the people who came along to help tidy the playground, paint the railings and put up a new shed for the playground equipment.
We’d like to say a massive thank you to everyone who came and took part in our big ‘Tidy Day’ – the whole place looks amazing! The children and staff all really appreciate the hard work from our lovely community to improve our environment for playing and learning. THANK YOU!PTA News
PTA Halloween News
The Friends of Naburn are very pleased to be bringing back the much-loved movie nights and what better way to start this than with a spooky twist to get everyone ready for Halloween. The first movie night will be on Thursday 20 October, starting at 6pm, in the school hall. There is a small cost of £3 per child/ £5 for 2 siblings, for which there’ll be popcorn and juice. The film has been democratically chosen by the children and we will be showing the animated version of The Adams Family. This is a PG rated film so please make sure you are happy for your child/children to watch this. Children can come dressed in PJs with teddies, blankets, cushions…the snugglier the better. KS1 must be accompanied by an adult. Any KS2 children will need to be collected from school at 7.30pm.
Even more exciting news, we will be holding a Halloween Party. This will be at The Village Hall between 5.30 – 6.30, on 31 October. Children (and grownups) are encouraged to come dressed in their most terrifying outfits. There will be party games, prizes, hot dogs and of course the odd sweet treat. Again, KS1 children need to come accompanied by an adult and KS2 parents are more than welcome to stay and join in the fun. The village are very kindly organising a pumpkin trail around the village, which the children will be able to enjoy after the party, along with any trick or treating families.
We hope to see as many of you as possible at these ‘terrorific’ events!
PTA News
St Crux – Save The Date!
The PTA have been allocated a date to run the café at St Crux. This is Saturday 11th March 2023. Please add this to your diary as we will need plenty of the usual type of support to make it a rip-roaring success. Help will include baking, looking through your cupboards and drawers for items that you no longer require suitable for a bric a brac stall, helping supervise stalls and the café and finally being around to set out in the morning and tidy up in the afternoon. Thank you
PTA News
PTA News!
The PTA are holding an All Hallows Eve Party celebration (31st October – 5.30pm) at the Village Hall and a Pumpkin Trail. They are also preparing for another Movie Night on Thursday 20th October starting at 6pm. More details to follow.
Other PTA News!
Rachel will be stepping down as Treasurer so this is a chance for someone to take this role on. It’s not too time consuming and definitely not difficult – no accounting experience is necessary. A full handover will be given. If you are interested please contact Rachel or the school office. Thank you.
The PTA have bought every child in school a commemorative Teddy Bear and mug and they will be coming home with them today (Friday). These mugs are also available to buy plus a handful of teddies, both priced at £5 each. Available from the school office.
General, PTA News
Friends of Naburn School AGM
We will be holding our AGM in school at 7pm on Wednesday 28th September – please do come along! There will be free refreshments and all are welcome, especially our new families. We will be planning for the new year and electing people into posts – all are up for grabs! The Friends of Naburn School play an important part in school, organising socials for parents and community, events for kids, and raining much-needed funds for school. Never has the school needed the PTA more, so please do try to make it!
PTA News
Friends of Naburn School message

On Wednesday 20th July we are asking all children in school to bring in a bar of chocolate or packet of sweets to be used on the tombola at the End of Term Party in the Playground. In return for this children can come to school in non-uniform on that day. Please ensure that all chocolate and sweet donations brought to school are in date and are unopened! Huge thanks.
If anyone has not yet returned their form for the party please do so ASAP. Slips will be going home next week advising what job you have been allocated.Friends of Naburn School
PTA News
End of Term Party in the Playground
Friday 22nd July, 5.30pm till 9pm, at School
This year we will be having another party in the playground to celebrate the end of the school year, welcome our new parents and children as well as say a fond farewell to the Year 6s. Pupils, Parents, Staff and Governors are all invited. We will be selling hot hog roast sandwiches and there will be a bar. There will also be a disco for the children. The party will take place on Friday 22nd July from 5.30pm – 9pm.
This year, as is in recent years, we are asking everyone to let us know if you will be attending so that we can assess catering requirements. We will serve alternatives for any dietary requirements. So that all of us can enjoy the evening we are asking all parents / carers who attend the party to help in some way so that the responsibility of the event can be shared.
Please can you return the slip that has been sent home by ParentPay and in book bags by Wednesday 15th June and a ticket will be issued letting you know which time slot and job has been allocated to you – we are hoping that everyone will only have a half hour slot so that we can all enjoy the evening. We will try wherever possible to allocate a job based on your preference but this is not always possible!
Thank you, Friends of Naburn CE Primary School
PTA News
Cakes for Thursday – can you help?
We’re looking forward to seeing as many of you as possible at next Thursday’s Tea Party in the Playground. Everyone in the village is also invited, but it’s hard to know how many will be able to pop in.
It would be lovely if we could offer nice home baked cakes. If anyone is able to make a cake, cupcakes or scones it would be massively appreciated. If you are planning on doing this please let us know so have an idea of how many we might have. A quick reply to the office would be great if you are able to offer something.
Many thanks,Friends of Naburn School