PTA News

Friends Of Naburn Primary News

Thank you so much to everyone that came to our PTA meeting the other week. It was brilliant to have so many people there, including some new faces. We’ve planned some great events for this term and hope to see you at as many of these as possible.

To kick start everything, we’ll be celebrating National Baking Week and what better way to do this than a bake sale?! If you are able to support this in any way we would hugely appreciate it please, whether that’s baking (or donating) some tasty treats or coming along and purchasing some of them, for a small price. The sale will be held in the school playground at 15:15, on Thursday 19th October. Don’t forget to bring some change.

We’re also really excited to announce the return of the All Hallows Eve Party. This will be held at 18:00 – 19:00 on Thursday 26th October, at the village hall. More information is to come, but there will be all sorts of tricks, treats, surprises and games! This is open to older and younger siblings, as well as all of the children in the village. Come dressed to impress in your most terrifying and spooktacular outfits!!

To continue with the spooky theme, we’ll be holding the first film night of the year on Friday 20th October. This will be held in the school hall, starting at 18:00. Film choices will go out for the children to vote on, and the chosen film will be announced in an upcoming newsletter. There will be juice and plenty of popcorn for the small cost of £3.50 per child or £5 for siblings. Children are encouraged to come in the PJs, with a teddy to snuggle with.

October is going to be a busy month but we’ll be ready to get going again, after half term, with our November social. We’ll have the fantastic, York based cover band, Electric Sheep, playing hits from the 60s through to the 90s. There will also be a bar, quiz, games and to end the evening, a promise auction. To make this night a success, we need your help please? Are you able to offer a service that you would happily provide, free of charge, to raise money for the school? Do you own something that could be loaned out or have expertise in a certain field which you could provide to someone? If so, please let us know by contacting the school office. The promises that are kindly offered will be auctioned off to the highest bidder at the end of the evening.

If you have any ideas that you would like to share with us, about ways we can fundraise for school, get parents engaged and include the village community please feel free to email

We are hoping to raise as much money as possible, with all of our events this year, to treat the children at the end of the school year.

Friends of Naburn and Village Quiz Night

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Just a reminder about the upcoming Quiz Night at the Village Hall!

It is a week on Saturday, 14th October. Tickets are £10 each and can be bought from the school office. Bring your own drinks or there is a bar if you prefer to purchase.

This event is organised by the Village Hall Committee and supported by the fabulous Friends of Naburn PTA, with profits to be split between the Village Hall and school. So rustle up of a team of your smartest friends and get your tickets!!

We hope to see you there.

PTA End of Year News

I wanted to once again point out the great work the PTA do for the school. We have benefited so much from their hard work over the year. This week they have literally been in school every day, preparing for the various events that they are holding. We are particularly grateful to them for purchasing new toys for the playground. These will be available for the first time for the children to play with at the BBQ this evening.Mr Green


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We have been looking ahead to next year, to see what fantastic events we can organise, not only for the children, but for parents and the local community too. We’re hoping to hold a social event in November, with a live band, quiz and games (see poster below). As part of this, we would love to run a promise auction, but to do this we need your help. Are you able to offer a service that you would happily provide, free of charge, to raise money for the school? Do you own something that could be loaned out or have expertise in a certain field you could provide to someone? If so, please let us know by contacting the school office. All of the promises that are kindly offered will be auctioned off to the highest bidder at the end of the evening.

We’re also looking at running a smaller social during the 1st/2nd week of term, so our new starters can get to know their class mates outside of the classroom. We hope as many current parents and children will be able to come and welcome our new families. The Friends would like to thank you for your support throughout the year and for getting involved in our activities. We’ve got a tonne of ideas for next year, as well as bringing back popular events, like the All Hallows Eve party. We’re always looking for more ideas though, so please do get in touch if you have any thoughts on events we can run or have any fundraising ideas.Friends of Naburn Primary


News from the Friends of Naburn Primary

We received so many chocolate/sweet donations for the tombola that will take place at the end of year party, next Friday! Thank you to absolutely everyone who contributed.

For the last few weeks we’ve been talking about the ‘break the rules day’, which will happen on the last day of term, (Friday 21 July). I’m now happy to share the rules that the children can break, for the small fee of 20p per rule broken/£1 to break all of the rules. These rules are;

  • School uniform must be worn
  • Hair should be tied back, neat and tidy
  • No nail varnish
  • No fake tattoos
  • You must only drink water
  • No makeup, face paint or glitter

If your child/ren would like to take part in this, please send them to school on Friday, with the appropriate amount of money, according to the rules they are breaking.

To add to the excitement, we are also holding a teddy bear zip line race on the same day. All children should bring in their most ‘athletic’ teddy, which will compete for the title of ‘Naburn’s Fastest Bear’. All teddies will have their details recorded on arrival, (name, age, weight and height checked too) and their harness fitted. They’ll then race against each other, competing for the fastest speed. There’ll be a trip to the tediatrics after the race, to make sure there are no injuries and then they will receive their certificate for taking part. If you can spare some time helping with this event, please let the school office know. We need some help with the check in/weigh in, as well as the tediatrics.

And, the most important date for your diary, the end of year school party! This will be held on Friday 21 July at school, starting at 17:00. We would love to see as many of you there as possible. We’ll have pizza to buy by the slice, and a disco for the children. There will not be a bar at the event, so please remember to bring your own drinks with you. This is a fantastic opportunity for everyone to get together, celebrate the end of the school year, as well as the fantastic news that we are joining TEAL, meaning Naburn will live on for years to come, as it rightfully should! Thank you to everyone who has confirmed that they are able to help on the night.

We’re also looking forward to joining in the fun at the Naburn Gala this weekend, Saturday 15 July. We have a stall where we’ll be providing 3 games, pot luck, balance a 20p on a lemon in water and ball bounce. There are all sorts of prizes to be won. We’re also giving people the chance to win big with our map game. This time Mr Green has lost the keys to school and needs help to find them. A grid needs to be selected, for £1 a square. The person who selects the correct part of Naburn, which the key has been dropped in, will be the winner. The winner will receive half of the funds raised and the other half will go back into the Friends of Naburn Funds, to help with future endeavours.

We have also been looking ahead to next year, to see what fantastic events we can organise, not only for the children, but for parents and the local community too. We’re hoping to hold a social event in October, with a live band, quiz and games. As part of this, we would love to run a promise auction, but to do this we need your help. Are you able to offer a service that you would happily provide, free of charge, to raise money for the school? Do you own something that could be loaned out or have expertise in a certain field you could provide to someone? If so, please let us know by contacting the school office. All of the promises that are kindly offered will be auctioned off to the highest bidder at the end of the evening. We’re also looking at running a smaller social during the 1st/2nd week of term, so our new starters can get to know their class mates outside of the classroom. We hope as many current parents and children will be able to come and welcome our new families.

The Friends would like to thank you for your support throughout the year and for getting involved in our activities. We’ve got a tonne of ideas for next year, as well as bringing back popular events, like the All Hallows Eve party. We’re always looking for more ideas though, so please do get in touch if you have any thoughts on events we can run or have any fundraising ideas.

Kind regardsAlexis (Chair of the PTA)

PTA News!

The Friends of Naburn School have spent A LOT of money from their funds on much-needed new playground toys! Some of these will be presented to the children at the end of year party (after school, from 5.30pm on 21st July). The rest will be presented to the children in the playground NEXT WEDNESDAY (12th July) at 3.05pm. It would be lovely if parents could arrive at this time to collect their child(ren) to see their excited faces! Unfortunately, it will be the next day before they get chance to play with them, but they have all evening to be very excited!

Friends would love to run a chocolate/sweet tombola at the end of year party, so we are looking for donations! We are offering the children a chance to come to school in non-uniform on THURSDAY 13TH JULY, in return for a bar of chocolate, bag of chocolates or sweets (the type of thing you’d like to win on a tombola). All must be in date please! Please bring into school on the morning of Thursday 13th.Friends of Naburn Primary

Message from Friends of Naburn CE Primary School

Thank you to all who attended the ‘Friends of Naburn CE Primary School’ meeting on Wednesday.

As the first half of the Summer term ends, we’re gearing up to make the last half term jam packed with fun and exciting events, which I hope you and the children will all take part in and enjoy. Here’s some things we’ve got in store for you;

Calling all cricket players!!!

To celebrate all the wonderful men in our children’s lives we’re arranging a Naburn vs Stillingfleet cricket match. We would love as many dad’s/male figures as possible to get involved, and for the children to join in too. Mr Green will be providing the rules and regulations, umpiring and joining in too. Everyone is invited to come along and watch, bringing a picnic tea and of course your own (alcoholic) beverages. This will be held on the village hall field, on Thursday 22 June, starting at 18:00. Will you be team Naburn or team Stillingfleet?! Please get in touch to let us know if you can compete.

We want to make the end of term as fun for the children as possible, and what better way to do this than a break the rules day!! We will be sending home a list of school rules that the children can break for the small fee of 20p per rule broken. This will take place on the last day of term, (Friday 21 July). To add to the excitement, we are also holding a teddy bear zip line race on the same day. All children should bring in their most ‘athletic’ teddy, which will compete for the title of ‘Naburn’s Fastest Bear’. All teddies will have their details recorded on arrival, (name, age, weight and height) and their harness fitted. They’ll then race against each other, competing for the fastest speed. There’ll be a trip to the tediatrics after the race, to make sure there are no injuries and then they will receive their certificate for taking part. The fastest teddy will win a grand prize! If you can spare some time helping with this event, please let the school office know.

And, the most important date for your diary, the end of year school party! This will be held on Friday 21 July at school, starting at 17:00. We would love to see as many of you there as possible. We’re hoping to have a bar, pizza and activities for the children. It’s a fantastic opportunity for everyone to get together, celebrate the end of the school year, as well as the fantastic news that we are joining TEAL, meaning Naburn will live on for years to come, as it rightfully should! Letters will be coming out soon about the event, so keep your eyes out.

In between all this, we are also planning another film night. This will be on a Friday, straight after school. The children will be asked to vote for the film they would like to watch, which we will announce over the coming weeks. Popcorn, juice and biscuits will be provided for the small fee of £3.50. More information will be coming soon.

We have also been looking ahead to next year, to see what fantastic events we can organise, not only for the children, but for parents and the local community too. We’re hoping to hold a social event in October, with a live band, quiz and games. As part of this, we would love to run a promise auction, but to do this we need your help. Are you able to offer a service that you would happily provide, free of charge, to raise money for the school? Do you own something that could be loaned out or have expertise in a certain field you could provide to someone? If so, please let us know by contacting the school office. All of the promises that are kindly offered will be auctioned off to the highest bidder at the end of the evening.

We’re also looking at running a smaller social during the 1st/2nd week of term, so our new starters can get to know their class mates outside of the classroom. We hope as many current parents and children will be able to come and welcome our new families.

We’ve got a tonne of ideas for next year, as well as bringing back popular events, like the All Hallows Eve party. We’re always looking for more ideas though, so please do get in touch if you have any thoughts on events we can run or have any fundraising ideas. Friends of Naburn Primary

Message from the PTA – Coronation Celebration

The Friends of Naburn would like to remind everyone about the afternoon tea party to celebrate the King’s Coronation which is being held in the school playground on Friday 5th May, between 13:30 – 16:00. You can read all about the exciting plans here.

And, as if that’s not enough, we also have a ‘Guess the Royal Bear’s Name’ competition for the children. Anyone who would like to enter needs to write down their suggested name for the bear and return it to the office, with 50p. The winner will be announced at the celebration and will win the bear!

We would greatly appreciate any donations of cakes, biscuits or buns (baked or bought) for the event. If you can help with this, please let the office know as soon as possible and send any items in on Friday morning. 

We do hope as many of you can come along as possible, it’ll be a fantastic afternoon.

PTA Coronation Tea Party

We would like to invite you to celebrate the King’s Coronation with us on Friday 5th May, between 13:30 – 16:00.

As part of the celebrations, we are holding a Coronation Quiche Bake Off and encourage everyone to enter. The flavour of the quiche needs to be based loosely on the recipe selected by King Charles himself i.e. at least one of the ingredients, or a twist on the recipe. All entries should either be brought to the Coronation Celebration or sent in with the children in the morning, if you aren’t able to make the afternoon. The guests at the event will be asked to sample all of the entries and vote for their favourite. The winner will receive a fantastic prize, fit for a star baker.

Can you help King Charles III? It’s not long until the coronation but the crown jewels have been stolen and hidden somewhere in the United Kingdom. If you can identify the location of the jewels you will receive a cash reward. If you would like to be in with a chance of winning, please select a grid reference (or two) where you think the jewels might be hidden. Our map will be available on Friday 28th April and Thursday 4th May at 15:10, in the school playground, as well as on the afternoon of the celebration. It’s £1 to enter, 50% of the profit will go to the school and the other 50% will be your prize. The location of the jewels and the winner will be announced at the end of the Coronation Celebration.

There will also be a right, royal quiz, testing your knowledge on our Royal Family, Charles himself and all things Regal.

If anyone can help out with serving the cakes and refreshments on the afternoon please do get in touch with the school office. We would also greatly appreciate any donations of cakes, biscuits or buns (baked or bought). If you can help with this, please send any items in on Friday morning. I hope as many of you can come along as possible, it’ll be a fantastic afternoon.Friends of Naburn Primary

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Friends of Naburn Primary Meeting

The Friends of Naburn Primary are holding their next meeting on Thursday 27th April. This will start at 18:30 and will be in the school hall. We would love to see as many of you there as possible. This doesn’t need to be a commitment to joining the PTA but, we would value your thoughts and ideas on ways we can continue to raise money, bring the school and village community closer together, as well as arrange fun things for the children. There’ll also be nibbles.Friends of Naburn Primary

You can find out more about the Friends of Naburn Primary here.