Could you please send in any toilet roll cardboard tubes as the PTA have a lovely Mother’s Day project lined up that requires one per child. Many thanks!The Friends of Naburn

We need your help though….We’ve been securing some amazing prizes for the Christmas raffle, these include an afternoon’s boat hire at The Marina, a family of 4 voucher for Yorkshire Winter Wonderland, 2 County Stand badges to the YorkMix Family Raceday, a case of wine from Jorvine, a Nescafe Dolce Gusto Machine and so much more.
We are also wanting to offer a hamper full of goodies as an extra prize. If you are able to we would really welcome donations from you please to make this hamper. This can include anything from tasty treats like wine, beer, biscuits, choccies, jams and chutneys to festive bath bombs, hand creams, socks and generally anything lovely and Christmassy.
If you are able to help please could you start to bring items in and hand them to the lovely ladies in the office, between now and 16th December. Tickets for the raffle will be on sale soon, (£1 per tickets) so keep your eyes out.
We’ve got one more ask. On Saturday 7th December, Naburn are holding their Christmas Bazaar. There will be all sorts of fantastic things going on, including a chance to meet the man himself! The Friends of Naburn will have a stall and also be running our popular Christmas tombola. Please could you help us with this by donating some chocolate for the tombola. In return the children can come in their own clothes.
Donations should be brought into school on Friday 6th December, which is the day they can wear their own clothes, the more festive the better. We hope to see as many of you at the Christmas Bazaar as possible.
Kind regards The Friends of Naburn
There were some amazing decorations made by the children, which no doubt look fantastic on your Christmas trees at home.
Tickets are on sale for our Christmas raffle. We’ve secured some fantastic prizes from businesses across York, such as Mama Doreens, The Wizard Walk of York, Yorkshire Winter Wonderland, Northwood Fairy Trail and many, many more.
For more information on the prizes please see the poster. Tickets are £1 each and can be bought from the school office.
The children have voted on the film for our next movie night, which will be Arthur Christmas (rated U). This will be held on Friday 15th December at 17:30, with pick up at 19:10.
As always, there’ll be popcorn and juice, as well as a festive hot chocolate and gingerbread person (please let us know in advance of any allergies/dietary requirements).
Everyone can come in their most festive PJs, armed with teddies, blankets and anything else to get cosy under the Christmas tree.Friends of Naburn Primary
It’s now all systems go for Christmas and we’ve got something for everyone over the next few weeks.
To start, we’ll have a stall at the Christmas Bazaar on Saturday 2nd December, at Naburn village hall. There will be a range of festive crafting for the children, as well as gingerbread men to decorate, for a small cost. If you have any little (or big) ones that enjoy getting covered in glitter then this will be ideal for them!
We’ll also be running a chocolate tombola, and for this last activity we need your help. We’d be very grateful for any chocolate donations please, which we will use for the tombola. These should be brought in on Thursday 30th November. In return your child can come to school in their own clothes on that day.
Tickets will soon go on sale for our Christmas raffle. We’ve secured some fantastic prizes from businesses across York, such as Mama Doreens, The Wizard Walk of York, Yorkshire Winter Wonderland, Northwood Fairy Trail and many, many more.
Full prize details will be announced over the next few weeks, but for information on who we’ve got prizes from so far please see our Christmas wreath.
We’re also planning another film night, this time with a Christmas theme. This will be held on Friday 15th December at 18:00. The film will be democratically picked by the children, which we’ll share with you as we get closer to the night. As always, there’ll be popcorn and juice, as well as a festive hot chocolate and gingerbread person. Everyone can come in their most festive PJs, armed with teddies, blankets and anything else to get cosy under the Christmas tree.
We’re really looking forward to embracing the festive season with you and hope you can join us at some of these eventsFriends of Naburn Primary School
Tickets are £10 each and can be bought from the school office. Bring your own drinks or there is a bar if you prefer to purchase.
This event is organised by the Village Hall Committee and supported by the fabulous Friends of Naburn PTA, with profits to be split between the Village Hall and school. So rustle up of a team of your smartest friends and get your tickets before the end of school today!
We hope to see you there.