
Eden Camp

Oak Class visited Eden Camp last week and spent the day learning all about WWII as the start of their new topic. Here are a few photos to give you a taster of the day!

Young Voices Was Outstanding!

 Last night, Year 5/6 went to Sheffield Arena and sang with 4423 other children. The conductor of Young Voices 2019 was David Lawrence, who is a worldwide conductor. All of the children enjoyed the performance and so did all of the adults. Some…

Christmas Den Building

The whole school had a wonderful time den building yesterday, kindly funded by the Friends of Naburn. We had fun working together as teams to create a den, then decorated it with all things Christmas. Fabulous!

Christmas den building

Don’t forget, we will all be den building in the forest tomorrow, come rain or shine. Please remember to send your child to school with a warm coat and wellies. Hats and gloves would be great too.

Christmas Jumper Day

It is Christmas Jumper Day today. The children will be joining in a special Christmas Jumper song and dance which Mrs Denison has been working on with everyone. Let’s hope we all have fun! You do not need to bring…

Yorkshire Schools Dance Festival

I would like to say how proud I was as I watched our Year 5/6 children perform at the dance festival at the University. I have had so many comments from parents and audience members. Here are just a few:…

Naburn Christmas Tree Lighting

The Parish Council will be turning on the village Christmas tree lights on Sunday 2nd December at 6pm. The Blacksmiths Arms will be serving mulled wine, hot chocolate and mince pies – please come along and sing carols with friends…

Christmas Fair

Don’t forget tomorrow is the Christmas fair at the Village Hall. We have a super tombola stall run by the Friends of Naburn and Father Christmas will be in his grotto. There will also be lots of other exciting stalls…