
Parent Governor News

We are delighted to welcome Helen Kilner onto our Governing Body, as our newly elected parent representative. We look forward to working with her on our journey to make our school even better.

Intra-school hockey tournament

We have been developing our hockey skills this half term and yesterday we held an intra-school tournament. The children represented their ‘House’ teams and all had great fun, as well as having the opportunity to apply their new skills.. Here…

Parent Governor

Don’t forget that tomorrow is the closing date for our parent governor nominations. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to serve on our Governing Body!

Walk to School Week

Don’t forget that this week is Walk to School Week. Please try to walk, scoot, cycle or space hop to school…..or if you have to drive, try parking a little further away than usual. Please remember to park considerately – not…

Harvest Festival

All welcome to our Harvest Festival today in Church. This year, like last, we join with the congregation of St Matthew’s to celebrate. We have planned a mix of old and new songs and each class will share something too.…

Staffing Update

Following a rigorous interviewing process at the very end of last term, I can now announce that our new Year 3/4 teacher is called Mrs Rotchell and our new KS1 teaching assistant is called Mrs Sloan-King. They are both very…

Well done Year 6!

Just a quick note to say a huge well done to all our Year 6 children for their fantastic results in the end of KS2 assessments, with 100% of the pupils achieving or exceeding the expected standard in all of the tests!  All their hard work over their time here at Naburn has paid off and they should be very pleased with what they have achieved, as they now set off on their journey into secondary education.  We are very proud of each and every one of them!

Family Fun Day

Don’t forget our Friends of Naburn Family Fun Day on Saturday! It promises to be great fun. 12-4pm at Pool Bridge Farm.

Summer Production!

Our production’s title is still top secret, but the dates are now confirmed as: Dress Rehearsal – Monday 9th July in the morning Afternoon and evening performances – Tuesday 10th July Evening performance on Thursday 12th July