
From My Window

Don’t forget our Easter holiday project, called ‘From My Window’. For details, see last week’s newsletter. Here is the first piece of work to be loaded onto Seesaw, but remember you have the rest of the holidays to complete your…

Easter Egg Competition

Don’t forget to enter our usual Easter Egg competition – it is just that you’ll have to create your masterpiece at home this year, not at school! Send a photo of your entry to by 5pm on Monday 20th…

History Project

  During this time when we school is closed, I will be uploading an extract of the school log book every few days, for you to see what life was like in the past. Hopefully, this will keep our lovely…

School closure

I am very sad to announce that school is closed at present until further notice, due to the coronavirus. Any children of key workers requiring a school place can attend Fishergate Primary, where our staff are working. Please contact our…

Parish News

The Parish Magazine is available here to read, as it won’t be distributed in print form in April, due to restrictions on movement. Enjoy reading all about our school and about village life, but please bear in mind some of…

Parent Meeting Feedback

Many thanks to those parents and children who attended our recent meetings about SATs and the residential to Malham. Here are some quotes: “Very informative and helpful. Definitely helped reassure us both!” “Really good presentation. Lots of good information.” “Great…

Welcome back!

Despite the floods and the snow, we are open! Please drive carefully and make sure your child has appropriate footwear and a coat. Please follow us on Facebook and/or Twitter for more regular updates. Mrs Christison

Schools Partnership Programme

You may know already that we have been working for two years now with four other schools in our cluster to help each other on our improvement journeys. The schools involved are Lord Deramore’s, Dunnington, Wheldrake, Fishergate and Naburn. It…