
Letter regarding PM’s announcement

Dear Parents, In light of tonight’s announcement by the Prime Minister, please check your emails for a letter about how this will affect our school from tomorrow. More details to follow tomorrow once we have had the chance to gather…

Letter from PHE/CYC

Dear Parents, Please see below a letter which has been emailed to you today. Please remember to wear a face covering at drop off and pick up and to socially distance at the school gates. Letter re Primary Schools 03-01-2021…

Update on start of term

Dear Parents, I would like to wish you all a Happy New Year and hope that you have been able to spend some quality time enjoying Christmas, albeit in a different way to usual. As you will have heard, there…

Updated Risk Assessment

Dear Parents,  Please see below our new updated Risk Assessment, reflecting the change in guidance on the self isolation period (reduced from 14 days to 10). Many thanks once again for your ongoing support at this time. Mrs Christison Full…

Christmas at Naburn

In this strange year, we are more determined than ever to make sure our children have a special Christmas. Here are a few photos to show you our festivities so far: The Rowan Class Nativity:    Fun at our Christmas…

PTA Fundraising Message

Dear Parents and supporters,

Click to go to the fundraising website

We invite you to this page in the hope that you could donate a little something to the Friends of Naburn PTA. Due to Covid-19, Naburn primary school has missed out on many fundraising opportunities. As a school and community, these fundraisers help bring our small village community together as well as raising funds to support the children of Naburn Primary school. Our last fundraiser was in March and although our current options are severely limited, we are hopeful that we can pull together and still help to raise vital funds in these strange and difficult times.

As we cannot safely run our usual Autumn bash, Christmas fair, we are asking you to dig deep and donate the money you would have spent this term at these events.

The head, teachers and staff have been working tirelessly over this period, working hard to ensure that Naburn School is a happy and safe place, providing the stability and consistency we all acknowledge is essential for our children in these uncertain times.

The money raised will be used to renew the School topic book library amongst other experience enhancing learning tools for the children. Anything extra will go towards the fund for our new reading room.

Please support this campaign with whatever you can, we also welcome any ideas you may have for future fundraisers. Every £ counts… lets exceed our target of £2000 and show our lovely little school some Love.

All our thanksFriends of Naburn PTA

Updated Risk Assessment

Dear Parents, Please see below our updated risk assessment, relating to new Tier 2 updates: Full opening RA updated 7.12.20 Many thanks for your continued support as we work to keep school safe during this period. Mrs Christison

Anti Bullying week 2020

This week has been Anti-Bullying Week so we have been spending some time reminding children about the definitions of bullying and how to talk to someone if they feel they are being bullied. Our value this term is Friendship and our discussions have…