
Admission Consultation for 2024-25

In line with the School Admissions Code 2021, City of York Council hold a coordinated admission consultation on behalf of schools within York and the School Admission Authorities. Where a school is part of a Multi Academy Trust, the Trust…

Friends of Naburn School AGM

We will be holding our AGM in school at 7pm on Wednesday 28th September – please do come along! There will be free refreshments and all are welcome, especially our new families. We will be planning for the new year and electing people into posts – all are up for grabs! The Friends of Naburn School play an important part in school, organising socials for parents and community, events for kids, and raining much-needed funds for school. Never has the school needed the PTA more, so please do try to make it!

Starting Reception in September 2023?

You should apply for your child’s place at primary or infant school in the school year your child turns 4 – so if your child was born between 1st September 2018 and 31st August 2019, it is nearly time to apply a place in Reception for September 2023!

Applications open from the 12th September, and the deadline for submitting your application is the 15th January 2023. You can read more about the admissions process here.