Governance and the Local Governing Body

Click here to find out more about our governors, and for statutory information including the membership and meeting attendance of Naburn Primary School’s Local Governing Body please see here.

If you have a question for the Governing Body please contact us in the first instance via the school office.

For information about governance in The Education Alliance Multi-Academy Trust, including information about the Trustees and Members of the board and related documents, please see the MAT website.

The Local Governing Body is made up of representatives of the school staff, parents, the Trust and members of the local community. They are a group of individuals, from a variety of backgrounds, who work as a team to support the school in making sure the priorities established are the right ones for school improvement. They have general responsibility for the management of the school, acting within the framework set by national legislation and the agreed policies of the school. They work in partnership with the Headteacher to make decisions about how the school is run in order to improve the quality of education and ensure pupil progress.

The Governing Body hold one or two Full Governing Body meetings per term. Please ask in school if you wish to see (non-confidential) minutes from these meetings.

Terms of Reference