Sports Premium Funding 2023-24
The Department for Education has confirmed that the Primary PE and Sport Premium will continue for the next academic year. Schools receive PE and Sport Premium funding based on the number of pupils they have in years 1 to 6; based on the information published we anticipate that the funding we receive will be broadly in line with recent years.
Sports Premium Funding 2022-23
The funding allocation for Naburn Primary School for 2022-23 was £16,460.
Sports Premium Funding 2021-22
The funding allocation for Naburn Primary School for 2021-22 was £16,420.
In 2020/21, we continued to promote sport throughout school, spending our Sports Funding (£16,006) as follows:
- Buying into the ‘York Schools Sports Network’ again, so providing high quality experiences for the pupils through top quality lessons, extra curricular clubs and the opportunity to enter competitions and local events and also providing high quality training for our staff. We have again purchased the upgraded package, to continue to provide year round CPD for members of staff and to enable wider access to competitions, so allowing more children to experience competitive sport within an intra school setting organised by professional coaches. Unfortunately, all the competitive, inter school competitions were curtailed again by COVID-19. In the Autumn term the usual cross country event was held virtually, enabling the children to still build up their skills and stamina, and enter a competition (£8334)
- Replenishing our Forest equipment, so encouraging the use of outdoors and promoting fitness, and also training our teachers to use the outdoors more (£549)
- Providing an extra member of staff to accompany the class teacher to the village field or village hall to enable PE lessons to take place safely, and to accompany the PE specialist to extra curricular clubs when a parent was not available (£1641)
- Improving our KS1 Outdoor Area to enable a clearer space for bikes and an opportunity to dance safely on a larger, safer stage area, so promoting fitness (£5000 towards total cost)
- Continuing to enhance our lunchtime supervision, providing a Midday Supervisor to focus on sport, to encourage the children to develop their team playing skills such as co-operation and resilience, as well as to promote fitness (£482)
- The village hall received a grant which they used to waive our annual rental fee (usually £4600 plus cleaning costs), which we are extremely grateful for.
You will notice that this page has been regularly updated with expenditure and impact as the year has progressed, as a result of our on-going evaluation and review process.
We aimed to maintain the Silver School Games Mark award and strove for Gold, however some of the criteria are very difficult to achieve as a small school, such as entering b teams into fixtures. We planned, this year, to join together with another small school to try to give children in both schools wider opportunities, however, once again these plans were thwarted by Covid. We conducted a survey amongst pupils to find out where the gaps are in their experiences of sport and what they like to do, and this informed our planning for the year.
In 2019/20,we continued to promote sport throughout school, spending the Sports Funding (£16,760) as follows:
- Buying into the ‘York Schools Sports Network’, so providing high quality experiences for the pupils through top quality lessons, extra curricular clubs and the opportunity to enter competitions and local events and also providing high quality training for our staff. We have again purchased the upgraded package, to continue to provide year round CPD for members of staff and to enable wider access to competitions, so allowing more children to experience competitive sport within an intra school setting organised by professional coaches. Unfortunately, much of the competitive, inter school side to this was curtailed by COVID-19. Teachers have benefitted from this CPD, led by a specialist, and this will further develop their skills and confidence to teach their own lessons in future years, providing them with experience of a wider range of sports, so making this improvement sustainable. (£8333)
- Providing free after school clubs to all children in Y1-6, offering them the opportunity to take part in a range of activities to develop their skills, teamwork and also their fitness (£900) We began the year with a street dance club, building on the popularity of dance from our involvement in the Yorkshire Dance festival last year. Later in the year we ran a gymnastics club which was well attended.
- Renting the local Village Hall to provide a large, safe space to enable high quality PE to be taught as our school hall is far too small to use for whole class PE lessons (£4,600)
- Replenishing our PE equipment, following an internal audit and improving the playground equipment available to keep the children active at break and lunchtimes, for example new bibs, netballs and footballs were purchased to improve our provision in team games, so developing the children’s team work skills (£757)
- Broadening the experiences of the KS2 children and further developing the skills of the KS2 teachers, by providing expert tennis coaching at David Lloyd for one half term per class (£450). Swimming was also planned for the summer term, for all KS2, but this was again cancelled due to COVID-19.
- Providing an extra member of staff to accompany the class teacher to the village field or village hall to enable PE lessons to take place safely (£1000)
- Enhancing our lunchtime supervision, providing a Midday Supervisor to focus on sport, to encourage the children to develop their team playing skills such as co-operation and resilience, as well as to promote fitness (£500) .
- Participating in the Yorkshire Dance Festival at York University. This gave the children the opportunity to work together to produce a piece of dance for performance, the opportunity to watch others perform, and developed the expertise of one member of staff through involvement in specialist led teaching (£130).We also bought in the talents of a dance specialist to work with the class to develop their choreography and technique in preparation for the Dance Festival (£90).
You will notice that this page has been regularly updated with expenditure and impact as the year has progressed, as a result of our on-going evaluation and review process.
We are aiming to maintain the Silver School Games Mark award and strive for Gold, however some of the criteria are very difficult to achieve as a small school, such as entering b teams into fixtures. We plan, this year, to join together with another small school to try to give children in both schools wider opportunities. We conducted a survey amongst pupils to find out where the gaps are in their experiences of sport and what they like to do, and this will inform our planning for next year.
Swimming Competencies in Year 6:
Schools are asked to report how many pupils within their year 6 cohort can do each of the following:
- swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres
- use a range of strokes effectively
- perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations
In 19/20, our planned swimming lessons were cancelled due to COVID-19, therefore we are unable to report on this area of the curriculum this year.
In 2018/19, we spent the Sports Funding (a total of £16,680) to promote sport throughout school, as follows:
- Buying into the ‘York Schools Sports Network’ to provide high quality experiences for the pupils through top quality lessons, regular competitions, extra curricular clubs and local events and also providing high quality training for our staff. This year, we upgraded our package to provide year round CPD for new members of staff and wider access to competitions, so allowing more children to experience competitive sport within an intra school setting organised by professional coaches. Teachers benefitted from this CPD, led by a specialist, this year and this will develop their skills to teach their own lessons in future years, so making this improvement sustainable. Children took part in local netball, hockey, cross country and tri-golf tournaments through this partnership. Y3/4 had tri-golf lessons, KS1 had multi-skills sessions and the whole school developed their cross country and hockey skills (£8339)
- Rejuvenating our PE equipment, following an internal audit and improving the playground equipment available to keep the children active at break and lunchtimes, for example new mats were purchased to improve our provision in gymnastics, so developing the children’s skills further by enabling them to have more mat space to themselves (£875)
- Investing in training for our Y5 Playground Leaders and external PE specialists on a lunchtime, to teach the children the skills needed to play well together and extend the amount of time spent in physical activity each day and providing free after school clubs to all children in Y1-6, offering them the opportunity to take part in a range of activities to develop their skills, teamwork and also their fitness (£3975) We offered a variety of clubs in order to appeal to as many children as possible. This year, these included gymnastics, rounders and multi skills. The funding allowed us to provide two teachers per club, to enable the children to be accompanied safely to the village hall/field for their clubs. This provision led to a greater number of children taking part in sport, especially those who do not play sport outside school and greater participation by our Pupil Premium children too.
- Participating in the Yorkshire Dance Festival at York University(£130). This gave the children the opportunity to work together to produce a piece of dance for performance, the opportunity to watch others perform, and developed the expertise of one member of staff through involvement in specialist led teaching.The children developed confidence in performing through this event and as the whole class was involved, every Y5/6 child had the opportunity to choreograph, learn a dance and perform. One parent wrote,”Yesterday is something I will never forget. The dance and story it told were incredibly moving, the children performed amazingly and I could see the rapport the teachers have with the children. The idea and story were so original and very clever…..and so good to see the boys dancing.”
- Broadening the experiences of the KS2 children and further developing the skills of the KS2 teachers, by providing expert tennis coaching at David Lloyd for one half term each. (£432), expert swimming tuition for one half term each also (£400) and the opportunity to take part in a triathlon ((£90)
- Enabling our KS1 children to take part in a local skipping festival, including expert tuition in school prior to the competition and then the opportunity to take part in paired, team and individual skipping events. This has led to an increased uptake in skipping at lunchtimes, so helping our children to keep active (£340)
- Renting the local Village Hall to provide a large, safe space to enable high quality PE to be taught (our school hall is far too small to use for whole class PE lessons) (£2099 towards the rent)
This figure is based on a base grant of £16000 plus £10 per pupil.
Our overall aim is to raise standards and participation in P.E. and school sport, increasing the opportunities offered to our children. We aim to provide higher quality lessons and improved learning for all, whilst also developing well-being and self esteem. We also aim to make these improvements sustainable by cascading new knowledge gained to other members of staff throughout the year.
As a result of this expenditure, we maintained the Silver School Games Mark award for our ‘commitment, engagement and delivery of competitive school sport’.
Swimming Competencies in Year 6:
Schools are asked to report how many pupils within their year 6 cohort can do each of the following:
- swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres
- use a range of strokes effectively
- perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations
We are delighted to report that 93% of the Y6 cohort achieved this standard in 2018, an increase of 15% from last year, showing the impact of taking our children swimming for longer this year. This is a vital skill to have as we live so close to the river and will remain a priority for our school next year.
In 2017/18, we continued to promote sport throughout school, spending the Sports Funding (£16,760) as follows:
- Buying into the ‘York Schools Sports Network’ to provide high quality experiences for the pupils through top quality lessons, regular competitions, extra curricular clubs and local events and also providing high quality training for our staff (£2660). Children took part in local netball, hockey, cricket and tri-golf tournaments through this partnership. Y3/4 had tri-golf lessons, KS1 had multi-skills sessions, Y5/6 had hockey sessions and we all honed our football skills with a specialist FA coach too. This Network also provided an athletics club at a cost of (£80).
- Providing two free after school clubs per week all year, to encourage all children to take part and to give them the opportunity to learn skills from specialist teachers. We started to use Premier Sport, who gave us a ‘taster day’ of activities during our Languages Day in Summer 2017, giving the opportunity for the children to try out sports from around the world. We started with a KS1 Gymnastics Club and a KS2 Archery and Fencing Club for the Autumn term, so aiming to appeal to those children who might shy away from team sports or who might want to try something new. Then, in the Spring term, we offered multi-skills to KS1 and tchoukball to KS2 to develop our skills further and to appeal to different children. We then ran a rounders club for KS1 and Year 3 children and a lacrosse club for KS2. (£4400). This allowed us to provide two teachers per club, to enable the children to be accompanied safely to the village hall/field for their clubs. A range of sports was offered over the year, with the aim of involving as many children in physical activity as possible.
- Participating in the ‘Golden Mile’ package offered by Premier Sport. This involved children having a baseline test in September and then two other assessments in the year, with opportunities to track their fitness over the year. We hoped that (as research suggests) a healthy body leads to a healthy mind and that this focus would in turn help the children to blossom even more in lessons too (£500). We also ran a Golden Mile Club on Fridays, weather permitting, employing a member of the Premier Sport team to lead this, accompanied by Mrs Christison and/or a parent volunteer (£420).
- Training a group of Y5/6 children to be Golden Mile Ambassadors. They met with Mrs Christison to input data and spot trends, encouraging their peers to become fitter by taking part in the Golden Mile in lunchtimes and during warm-ups in PE lessons. They called themselves the GM FEET Group (made up from their initials!).
- Broadening the experiences of the KS2 children and further developing the skills of the KS2 teachers, by providing expert tennis coaching at David Lloyd for one half term each. (£300).
- Buying in external providers to enhance our PE curriculum further, providing special one-off taster experiences to appeal to a range of children and to broaden the pupils’ experiences. For example, we participated in the ‘Chance to Shine’ scheme to improve our cricket skills (£150) and took part in a Cluster skipping event (£250).Our nurse alos visited the children in Y5/6 to teach them about the changes which puberty brings and the importance of staying fit and healthy (£110)
- Making better use of our outdoor space on the playground, for example by providing a whiteboard, a blackboard and other resources for teachers to use for sharing strategies during PE lessons (£316).
- Training MSAs to also provide a range of activities at lunchtimes and to work with Play Leaders to develop PE skills further (£225).
- Continuing to update and replace resources (for example new hockey sticks were purchased in the Autumn term to enable the children to develop their skills ready for the hockey tournament at a cost of £147, athletics equipment was purchased to enhance our athletics provision at a cost of £270, skipping ropes were purchased to enable us to practise prior to the skipping competition at a cost of £150, equipment for outside lessons on the playground was purchased at a cost of £426 and a gazebo was purchased to shelter us at sporting events and at sports day at a cost of £351).
- Training our RQT (recently qualified teacher) to teach swimming because of changes to the curriculum (£400). This gave the teacher confidence to teach in a new area, supported by fully trained staff. 78% of Year 6 children achieved the National Expectations for Year 6 this year. Funding will be spent next year to try to improve this percentage.
- Enhancing the storage of PE equipment in school, giving children and staff easier access to resources (£503).
- Renting the local Village Hall to provide a large space to enable high quality PE to be taught (our school hall is very small) (£4,000 towards the rent).
- Registering for the Yorkshire Dance Festival in November 2018. This will give the children the opportunity to work together to produce a piece for performance, the opportunity to watch others perform, and also develop the expertise of the Y5/6 member of staff through involvement in specialist led teaching.(£130).
As a result of this expenditure, we maintained the Silver School Games Mark award for our ‘commitment, engagement and delivery of competitive school sport’.
Swimming Competencies in Year 6:
Since September schools are asked to report how many pupils within their year 6 cohort can do each of the following:
- swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres
- use a range of strokes effectively
- perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations
and we are pleased to report that 78% of the Y6 cohort achieved this standard in 2018.
In 2016/17, we spent the Sports Funding (a total of £8345) to promote sport throughout school, as follows:
- Buying into the ‘York Schools Sports Network’ to provide high quality experiences for the pupils through regular competitions, after school and lunchtime clubs and local events. This also provided high quality training for our staff in school, with a qualified PE expert delivering lessons alongside our staff for one afternoon every other half term (£2990). Children took part in a city-wide Tag Rugby competition through this link, making it through to the finals thanks to the expert teaching provided. They also took part in an inter-school High 5 Netball tournament.
- Providing one free after school club and one free lunchtime club per week to encourage all children to take part and to give them the opportunity to learn skills from specialist teachers (for example providing a Multi-sports Club run by two specialists from York City Knights throughout the whole of the Autumn and Spring Terms and one after school club during the Summer term (£3000) and using an external PE specialist to teach an athletics club in the Summer Term (£80)
- Continuing to develop the skills of our own PE Subject Leader, so that she could then cascade this new knowledge to the rest of staff, so making these improvements more sustainable (for example buying a specialist football coach from Tadcaster Albion i2i Sports to work alongside our teacher in Y5/6) (£120).
- Increasing the number of sports clubs on offer to all pupils over the year, utilising lunchtimes more.
- Continuing to update and replace resources to increase participation in a range of sports (for example new resources for football, netball and rugby lessons in the Autumn term and cricket and athletics equipment in the Summer term).(£500 spent.)
- Improving the storage facilities for PE resources at school (£500).Broadening the experiences of the KS2 children and developing the skills of the KS2 teachers, by providing expert tennis coaching at David Lloyd for one half term each (£360).
- Providing extra development for staff through attending extra curricular clubs led by specially trained staff (£500).
As a result of this expenditure, we have been awarded the Silver School Games Mark award for our ‘commitment, engagement and delivery of competitive school sport’, moving up from the Bronze Mark previously awarded.
(The remaining £295 was carried over to the next academic year, as one invoice was still outstanding as we broke up for the summer)