Year 3/4 homework – 4th December

Y. 4. Autumn 2 Spelling List    Y.3. Autumn 2 Spelling List


This week you have to choose a poem you are going to recite to the class.

Write your poem in your homework book, draw a picture to go with it; then learn it! You have to practise using a voice with expression to match what the poem is about and show the meaning of the poem. You need to be aware that you may have to pause if the audience ( the class) gives a reaction. Remember to practice using a loud, clear voice so we will all be able to hear and understand your poem.

This is due in by next Friday, 11th December.

Next week we will have a spelling test on the Year 3 and 4 spellings handed out at the start of this half term. Make sure you know these 10 words.